Well, we made a decision about the last trimester for the boys' schooling. We've decided to keep them home for another semester.
It was a bit of a hard decision again, but it wasn't hard for the same reason as it was in the fall. In the fall it felt like we were choosing between two bad options. Now it feels like we're choosing between two good options.
The main reason(s) we're staying home is because it seems like it would be a hard transition to go back to school at this point. It's one thing to have that transition in the fall when everyone's in the same boat, but I think right now it would be harder. Furthermore, the boys have been doing a good job being self-motivated and getting their work done and they want to stay home. It's also been nice sleeping in and not having to go to after school pickup. There are still slight concerns about health issues if many students go back to school and the new variants coming through, but those played less of a role in our decision this time than in the past.
Isaac's teacher also gave us some feedback, pretty much saying that either option would be fine. It was reassuring.