Sunday, March 6, 2022

Sunday: morning

The boys woke up over an hour before they were supposed to.  This meant that our fan wasn't on and I could hear them and woke up.  I rested a bit after that, but never got back to sleep.  We had a good morning, but it started so much earlier than I was hoping.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Saturday: pictures

The cats were cute today.

I took Isaac's quilt picture and couldn't bear to move Horizon.

Isaac then decided he needed to take quilt pictures of me.

Isaac was helping me find some blue LEGO pieces and noticed there were lots of blue chairs.  We've been watching Phineas and Ferb, so he proceeded to make a blue-chair-inator.  If the item is a chair, it turns it blue.  If the item is blue, it turns it into a chair.

This afternoon we hit an amazing 65F!  There was still ice on the pond, so the boys crushed some of it.  Snack time was also outside.  Tonight it's supposed to cool back off though.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Friday: blood

 I tried giving blood again today and my iron was still too low. :(  I'll try again in a month and add an iron supplement in the meantime.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Wednesday: minifig me

I made a minifig of myself today, looking all professional and stuff.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Tuesday: grocery adventures

I didn't have many groceries to get this week, so I thought I'd do it after work instead of tomorrow morning.  I'll probably really appreciate it tomorrow, but doing it today was just a tad annoying...I didn't get my nap.

Frozen cubed potatoes are still not on the shelves.  Neither are orange cinnamon rolls, although those don't surprise me quite as much.

I also stopped wearing my mask again!  The CDC risk level for the county suddenly dropped from high to low, so I don't feel the need to wear it (for now.)  I've been expecting the level to drop, although I wasn't expecting it to drop so suddenly.  I think there was a backlog of positive tests that just dropped off the 7-day average which in turn dropped the 7-day average.  It was nice to not wear it to karate too.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday: this and that

 Tornado started waiting for Ben in the mid-morning.  It was just a tad early. :)

Other than that, it was a relatively normal day.  I got many things done in the while the kids were at school but as normal it would have been nicer if I could have gotten more done.

Sunday, February 27, 2022


 It's been a pretty normal weekend.  Joshua made the bag in his DoodleCrate and had a great time with it...even if we could have used a bit of practice before the final product.  Oh well.  He loved it.