Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday: summer's coming!

 As with every summer, I have high hopes of teaching the children household chores.  Our housekeepers recently graduated and so I moved up some of my summer plans.  For now they still have daily chores, although in the summer Isaac is going to have a weekly list instead.

As for the chores that the house cleaners used to do, they are now up for grabs.  I've offered money in the past for extra chores, but this year they can choose money or extra screen time.  It's been a huge hit with Isaac so far.  He did a great job of cleaning the bathroom tub this evening.  It looked amazing.  I think Joshua might do some, but he hasn't seemed as motivated yet...and that's ok too.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Saturday: being careful

 Joshua was playing with the nerf gun and found it very important to put up this Caution sign.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Last Sunday: Mother's Day

It took me a day to get some of the Mother's Day pictures and then it took me a while to get pictures of the papers but I'm finally getting around to posting.

The kids did a really nice job with Mother's Day.  They both had some gifts and were just so excited about them!

Notice that I'm Grey Bear's Mom too.

Isaac got me a puzzle and made a flower (not pictured).  Joshua made the funniest/cutest pieces of paper though.  I especially appreciated being as helpful as the Internet.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Thursday: field trip

 I helped out at Joshua's field trip today.  It was a perfect day for it.

Joshua wore his dangerous bear shirt on purpose.

Joshua was also willing to hold my hand a lot.  It was lovely.  

The field trip was about ecosystems and the leaders did a really amazing job of making it interactive.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wednesday: walk and rock climbing

 I went for a walk with Cheryl this morning.  We saw a ton of wildlife in our one mile walk!  Two snakes, a muskrat, three adult ducks, several baby ducks, a cardinal, and lots of other birds.

This afternoon Cheryl tagged in to be the responsible adult at rock climbing so that I could climb.  For my first time ever!  The workers were rather surprised...I'm there all the time and know all the ropes (somewhat literally), but have never climbed.  Anyway, it was harder than it looks, as expected.  I kind of wish that I could always join them, but that seems like it might be breaking the rules a bit too much.  Isaac and Joshua did a great job of showing me the ropes and helping me out though.  I managed to get over the top of the bouldering wall (even though the easiest route had been removed).  I also did an auto-belay (oh, it is scary letting go at the top) and worked on a take-away route with Joshua.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Tuesday: CPR training

This morning I went to CPR training.  I've had some of the assorted first-aid training that they went through several times, but this was the first one that included the CPR training.  While I'm not sure it was exciting, it was interesting.  I picked up a few new tidbits of knowledge that will hopefully stick with me even though hopefully won't need them.

Yesterday I found Isaac's hat.  He's managed to keep it for years and it even has a name: Flippy-Floppy.  It was buried in the school's lost and found, but my mom eyes found it.  (I also had my annual physical yesterday, hence the paperwork with generic info on it.)

Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday: cats and Joshua

 Tornado enjoyed using the cat backpack a lot today.  I think Horizon knocked him over in this picture.

I tried to give away the lawn mower today and failed.  But then Joshua played with it today.  By sitting on it.

I have no pictures, but Joshua had a real massage today.  He's been into massage lately so I thought it would be a fun thing to do.  It was not what he expected and he enjoyed it "medium".  I think he was expecting a few specific things we've done (like chops or kitty paws) and not getting those slightly decreased the rating.  Either way, it was a nice special thing for him.