Today was the first official day of summer vacation. I was a bit nervous because the kids have been...excited...this past weekend.
The morning started out well. Joshua had swimming lessons. This year I decided to do group lessons instead of private lessons because Joshua could swim well enough that he wouldn't be on the edge for half the time. (Isaac declined lessons.) It turned out that time slot I choose wasn't very popular and there are two teachers and two students in Joshua's class. Furthermore, we are friends with the other person in his class! Joshua said that he enjoyed the lesson, so that was a win.
We were thinking about picking strawberries and talked about it over lunch. It turns out that we all thought that we should want to go and liked the idea of it, but no one really wanted to go. So we didn't. We did make a super short trip to a playground though. Joshua asked if we could go to one rather late in the afternoon, about 40 minutes before I needed to start making supper. I was proud of myself for saying yes, even if we were only there for about 25 min.
Dinner was a flop. I don't completely flop dinners very often, but this one didn't work. Everyone was nourished and has food in their belly, but I won't be making it again. Joshua was the only one that said it was ok, so I saved a little bit for him in case he wants it later in the week instead of whatever the other option is. Most will probably go in the compost though. (This is really odd for me - I try so hard to not waste food. But.)
The kids became crazy while I was making dinner. Something about Isaac throwing a yarn ball at Joshua over the stair's banister and if it hit him on the head he needed to give Isaac a Lego skeleton. I really wanted to tell them to stop but also didn't really have a good reason, so I didn't.