Friday, June 7, 2024

Friday: last day of school

They made it!  The last day of school.  It doesn't feel like we should be here already and I'm not sure why - maybe it's because the weather has been on the cool side?  Maybe because Isaac had homework through the beginning of this week?  I'm not sure.  Isaac, whose backpack has been heavy the whole year because he just takes all of his stuff with him, decided not to take his backpack and it felt weird.

I got a surprising amount of work done this morning, including some summer lists.  The kids studied them intensely soon after they got home.  One is "things to do this summer" and the other is "things to do before you can tell mom you're bored".  I've been hearing "I'm bored" a lot more the last two months, and want to try and preemptively get rid of some of that.

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