Sunday, June 23, 2024

Weekend: cottage

The kids and I went up to the cottage for the weekend to see Dad and Pat and Nathan and his family.  It was a lovely weekend.  It was great to see Nathan and Liz and the cousins had a great time playing together.

We got there around 11am and the whole day was on-and-off rain.  We enjoyed being outside when it wasn't raining and enjoyed doing inside things when it was.  At one point we played a few rounds of boche ball.  Isaac threw the snitch first down a hill and it landed about half way down.  Then we threw the rest of the balls and they almost went in the lake.  We all laughed about it a lot.

Liz brought up a rubberband bracelet making kit and it was a hit.  Joshua made close to ten bracelets and Isaac made interesting creations.

We also finally got around to making quills.  It's been a project that we've been waiting for for about two years.  Joshua was given an eagle feather recently so the timing was perfect.

After Joshua was finished trying his out, I took it over.  It took a ton of ink!  Writing in cursive and print was about the same; all old documents must be in cursive because that was just the style of the times.  I also had a lot of splatter and double lines, but for my first try it wasn't too bad.  Since I had to dip the quill every word or two it took a really long time to write.

Dad needed help moving some dock sections up a hill.  The kids actually helped, Nathan and I just heckled Dad.  When he was debating if the dock section would fit between two things, we said helpful things like, "Someone once told us that taking a few extra minutes to make sure something fits is worth the time."  Or "I was taught by someone to measure twice cut once."  Or "if only there was this thing to help one figure out if something will fit through a space."

In the evening we played a game of space base.  Isaac won the game; it's been a while since he's won.  But he had an amazing strategy and ended up with 44 base income if Dad/JJ or I rolled a 3 or a 4.  

The morning was cold!  It was a bit of a shock after the heatwave this past week.  More bracelets were made, some games were played, and the kids still played outside.  They made up a game involving the swing and played it a lot.

Isaac and Joshua went tubing before lunch, but when they got out of the boat their lips were turning blue.  Pat turned on the fire for them.  The weather started to get nice just as we were about to go, but I also wanted to get home and see Ben a bit.

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