Saturday, June 29, 2024

Friday: sleeping bag

Joshua is at a sleepover tonight.  We were going rock climbing right before dropping him off, but forgot his sleeping bag.  

Isaac finished his first V4 in the cave and promptly fell off the route, landing straight on his back.  He completely had the wind knocked out of him.  He was super excited that he got the route, but he was done climbing for the day.

Since we finished a little earlier than expected and because Joshua has had a hard time actually staying at the sleepover in the past I decided we could run home to get the sleeping bag.  Usually this would end up adding about 15-20 minutes to the trip, for an expected total of 25-30 minutes.  An hour later I was finally pulling into the driveway.  I'm not sure what was going on, but I think there was a train that was just sitting across a major road.  Due to construction, I wasn't sure I'd be able to go the alternate route.  I was a bit grumpy when I got home.

I got a text at 6:30pm saying Joshua was feeling a bit nervous about sleeping over.  I gave some reasonable suggestions, but deep down I was thinking, "You better not come home because I got that dumb sleeping bag for you!"

He didn't come home.  I also didn't hear any further updates, so am assuming that everything ended up fine.

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