Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tuesday: 200

We went rock climbing with some friends again today.  Isaac did an amazing job working on a V4 in the cave - I couldn't believe that he held on as "easily" as he did.  I felt like I made some progress and have an idea of what to work on next time we go.  Joshua got bored rather quickly and I almost gave him permission to go get his book, but then he found a project too.  He climbed (and jumped off of) a route in the alcove (formerly known as the kids' area) 200 times.  He was a ball of sweat.

I didn't see Tornado all day until 5pm.  The kids kept saying that he was around and that Tornado had snuggled with them, but I didn't even see him.  Normally it isn't a huge deal, but we recently got them some new feeders and I wanted to make sure he was eating.  I know that if I stick his face in the feeder he'll eat, but I don't know if he'll eat without me doing so.*

*I'm writing this on Wednesday, and it looks like he at least ate some overnight.

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