Today I accomplished stuff. I wasn't really expecting to: I was expecting it to be a normal summer day where I lament about what I'm not doing and do the fun stuff instead.
Joshua had rock climbing camp in the morning. I gave Isaac an excellent book on a kindle and he read more than I was expecting today. It's his first time reading on a kindle and it's a great book so I'm not sure why I expected anything different. He did take a break to play Forbidden Desert with me. It's a co-op game and we cheated so hard in order to win. I'm not really sure how anyone is ever supposed to win those. But it was fun.
This afternoon Isaac had pottery camp. Joshua decided to rearrange his room during this time, so he was well occupied. He needed a little bit of help actually moving things, but there's some cleaning that goes along with the rearranging. He'll need to finish up tomorrow. This kept him occupied well.
And so, I worked on my to do list. I finished a few things I had been putting off. I finished more than I had even been hoping to finish. I have high hopes for tomorrow, but we'll see what actually happens.
I also had karate this evening and it was a pretty normal class. Afterwards, they started talking about all the requirements going into the next recertification. It took me a while, but the terminology is a bit weird. It isn't a recertification as in 'if you don't do this you won't be certified' it's more 'now you're 1/4 the way through your current black belt level'. Anyway, I was freaking out a bit. Half of the requirements I either don't remember well or haven't learned. There was additional time to required to help with classes. Mentorship. Oof. However, I got pulled aside at the very end and told that those don't necessarily apply to me. Adults get a measure of freedom - and I was so relieved. Now, I still might wait to do the recertification as I'm not in a rush to get the second degree black belt. I'll still look at my schedule to see where I might be able to help out with some classes once fall comes around, but it's nice knowing it isn't mandatory.