Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday: busy day

After bringing Joshua to camp, Isaac and I biked to the donut place.  Upon our return, Isaac started up on his cross-stitch project.  Usually he sits at the table, but Tornado was in his chair so he stood.  

Isaac and I went rock climbing while Aunt C hung out with Joshua.  I had a pretty good day - I made it half way up a VB+ that I previously couldn't start, I flashed (finished on the first try) a V0, got farther on a 5.8 with weird holds, attempted some dynamic jumps with Isaac's guidance, and did a short V1 in the alcove.

In karate we worked on the other bo staff form that we need to know.  The teacher asked us what we wanted to do and after waiting a bit and no one else speaking up, I spoke up.  I would have been happy to let someone else choose, but if no one was going to choose then I would.  Anyway, the form isn't too hard, but I had never gotten through the whole thing well before.  So that was nice.

Then, I won at Space Base!  It's been a while.

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