Monday, July 1, 2024

Monday: Pier Cove Beach

One of Isaac's summer requests, and there weren't many of them, was to go rock hunting.  Hmm.  I have no idea where one would do this, so I googled it, of course.  There was a random reddit post that said we should go to Pier Cove - but watch out, there are only 10 parking spaces.

We got there at 9:30 and it was in the 60s and sunny.  It was busier than we expected, but there were still about three parking spaces.  We walked down the steps and it was perfect.  There were piles of rocks.  Piles!

Cheryl came with us and brought shelling bags.  Joshua immediately started collecting the big rocks to make a mountain.  He could only fit a few in the bag before needing to add to his mountain.  Isaac enjoyed looking through all the rocks.  I enjoyed looking through the rocks.

This was Joshua's mountain.  Happily, he decided to throw them all in the water so there were a lot of wonderful plop sounds.  I love the plop of a large rock in the water.

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