Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wednesday: off

The day was slightly off.  It started with rain during a playground trip with friends.  Then the kids were a bit off at our house.  Then Joshua wasn't enjoying racquetball like normal.  Nothing was wrong and there weren't any real complaints, besides the rain, but things weren't flowing like normal either.

Since we're talking about complaints, I'd like to complain about on-line recipes.  

1) What is up with the time estimates.  Yesterday I made (a delicious) cajon pasta that estimated 20 minutes.  One hour later I'm finally finishing up.  Now, I know that there are metrics and views and what-not based on that time, but can we please make it a bit closer to reality?  Chicken does not almost cook through in 3-4 minutes, even when in small pieces.

2) Why aren't the amounts of the ingredients put into the recipe?  Again, it seems like they're following tradition from when cookbooks wouldn't do that to save space/paper.  I get that.  But scrolling up and down to find out how much of something I need to put in drives me nuts.  There is no reason the amounts can't also be part of the instructions.

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