Wednesday, July 31, 2024

vacation Monday: more fun

 We started out our day in the water park...sort of.  It doesn't open until 10, and guess who wakes up way before then?  Pretty much all of us.  Joshua and I started working on a scavenger hunt.  He's always the person I can count on to walk around and explore whatever place we happen to be in, but the scavenger hunt helped to give us purpose.  We got all but two items, but by then we needed to get back to the room.

I don't have many pictures from the water park, but my notes say we had a great opening!  The lines weren't too long, so Isaac and Ben did the Flowrider and Joshua and I rode the water coaster in the back a few times.  

We eventually met up and eventually tried all the rides, including a twister ride.  It always had a line, and it shot you out into a funnel and then you just dropped about four feet into the pool.  We did it a few times throughout the trip, but it wasn't our favorite.  There was also a tube ride that was only open once in a while: we finally got on it and it was not exciting.  A calm ride.  Ben and Isaac did the extra big drop slides, where you stand on a floor and then the floor drops out from under you.  Joshua and I had no desire to do that; so Joshua got me on the FlowRider because the line wasn't too long.  It was ok.  I'm glad everyone else was enjoying it, but I was content watching.

During this time Ben also managed to get a cut on his big toe.  He was walking quickly, trying to get to some friends before they disappeared, slipped, and cut his toe on the floor texturing.  The nearby life guard was helpful, but the supervisor that he called to actually help (because the life guard was life guarding) was not ideal.  Oh well.

We ate lunch in our room.  The room had an extra three feet between the end of the beds and the tables, and it was wonderful.  We were able to spread out just a little bit more.  We also tried to eat two meals in the room to save a bit of money and I thought it worked really well.  Between a decently sized mini-fridge and a microwave you can do a lot.  I brought a lot of paper stuff so we could just throw it away, but also some containers for left overs.  I actually brought way too much food, but at the same time I'm not sure I'd bring any less.  

After lunch we went to the outside waterpark for a bit.  It was sunny out, so it was busy!  We tried all the water slides, but only once or twice.  We didn't do the big one from yesterday because the line was way too long.  We then joined our friends at Tom Foolery's for a little bit.  (Joshua did not enjoy this ride, but I did!

We went to a nearby restaurant for dinner and it was so fun!  There were Lego sets (official sets and stuff they made) by the tables as decoration.  And a train brought the food and drinks to your table!  It was an excellent choice.

We went back to Tom Foolery's afterwards for a little bit.  We played a few more games.

If I recall correctly, we also went back to the water park near closing.  It wasn't super empty, but we rode a few rides and enjoyed the hot tub.

Joshua was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.  (We had altered his bedtime back a bit the week before.  He can usually handle staying up late on vacation, but we also needed him to sleep in.  He did a great job.)

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