Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday: freezer

Today we defrosted the chest freezer.  The kids helped in the beginning and did a great job packing food into other locations to keep them cold.  I was rather surprised at how well they packed stuff in, actually.

I also was happy with how all the food went back into the freezer.  I know I got rid of a few things, but I was able to reorganize well too and it feels so much happier.

Isaac got his prize from the rock climbing competition.  It's unclear whether he got second (per a note in the prize bag) or third (per the coach's memory).  He got a bag, a chalk bag, lots of stickers, and a t-shirt.

Also, I finished two 5.8 routes today!  One was a new one that I flashed...the handholds were easy to grab.  The other one I've been working on for a while and have never managed to get more than about 1/2 way up.  Something just worked today and I did it twice!

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