Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday: no plans

Well, today didn't have any plans on the calendar.  So, as any sane mom in the summer, I made a few.  We brought half the pop cans back for deposit.  We picked up Isaac's pottery from camp.  (He was a bit nervous about how they'd come out, but he was happy with them.)  We played racquetball.

As normal, the day ended up filling up such that I didn't get many chores done.  I played two games of dominion with Isaac.  We were also on a waitlist for a library program, that I figured we wouldn't get in.  An hour before it started though, I got an email and a call that we were in!  It was a macaron tasting downtown.

We each got a drink and two macarons.  We split them.  I got a tea and Isaac got an Italian soda.  The flavors we chose were salted dark chocolate, blackberry, raspberry creme brulee, and mimosa.  We both like the salted dark chocolate the best and blackberry the least.  

So, for a day with no plans, we had a ton of things to do.

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