Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday: puzzle take apart day

 Over the summer, we put together puzzles.  Let's be honest, it was mostly me putting together the puzzles and the kids helping with the last few pieces.  (Isaac helped a few additional times too.)

Today we laid them out:

22 puzzles.  Smallest: 16pieces.  Largest: 1000 pieces.  Total: 10870 pieces.  Five of them had stars, nine had plants, 19 had eyes, and three had hearts.  My favorite to put together was the minifigure puzzle.  I've done it several times and it's always fun.

A stack of the boxes.

We played a little bit of eye-spy, but it turns out that it is really easy.

Then we watched a movie and took them apart in about an hour.  The globe was by far the hardest to take apart.  I had a great time doing this and would absolutely do it again.  But since the kids didn't really help, I might wait several years.

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