Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Monday: birthday

Today was my birthday!  The kids do such a good job being excited for me.  (Ben does too, but he is excited for birthdays like I am.  The kids are super excited.)

In the morning we picked up Aunt C to try a new hiking trail, and it didn't disappoint!  Sanctuary Woods, which had over 170 stairs, was a beautiful place.  Normally the trail would be about 3/4mi, but we took several adventure trails and went further.  The claim to fame for this trail is that you can see both Lake Mac and Lake Michigan at the same time.  This is true, and we found the place, but it wasn't well marked nor was it all that free of trees.  It would be interesting to go during the different seasons to see what it looked like.

This is the place to see both lakes.

I've found Tornado sitting like this twice in the past two days.  The first time I just laughed at him, but the second time I took a picture.

Joshua had a friend over in the afternoon.  Isaac and I played a game of Dominion, and I also took a short nap and did a little work.  Larry and Cheryl took me out for dinner - they were a little slow and it was a little cold, but it was also a lot of fun.

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