Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday: would you rather?

This morning we biked to Joann's and the shoe store.  We didn't come home with any shoes; Isaac did like the fit and Joshua wanted non-tie shoes and most of them stopped at size 3 when he needs a 3.5.  Maybe tomorrow!  (Maybe not.)

We also went to Craig's Cruisers to finish up using some tokens from earlier in the summer.  We had a lovely time and got exactly 750 tickets, so we were able to get some medium interesting prizes.  On the way home Isaac came up with this horrible would you rather: would you rather run into yellow lights at every stop light or have extra long red lights?

Tonight I was trying to finish up a quilt.  Tornado had claimed it though and wouldn't move.  I started the sewing machine - no movement.  I started sewing - no movement.  I put some quilt on Tornado - he nestled deeper.  I finally had to stop and work on something else because I couldn't do anymore without blatantly moving him.

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