Saturday, August 3, 2024

Saturday: friends, Lego challenge

This morning was spent with my college Roommate and her family.  Her husband, and my engineering friend, was sick last night so wasn't able to be around, but I'm hoping to see him a bit tomorrow.  We went rock climbing, because that's how we roll, and then to Good Earth.  Rock climbing was fun.  They hadn't gone before and seemed to enjoy themselves.  Good Earth is in their new, and weird, location.  But they had the same menu and more space for the tables.  It was a lovely morning.

After nap time we did Lego Challenge.  Joshua divided us into teams of two this time and we had to build cat play structures.

Isaac and Amanda's:

*Black and Yellow.  I did most of the darker side to the right in the first picture, Isaac did most of the yellow side.  Then we added some bridges and foilage to combine them together.  I like how my climbing stand spins.  Isaac did a nice job with box and cubby placement.

Joshua and Ben:
Brown with primary colors.  The main focus is a laser pointer, and you can see the red dot on the ground.  It also includes a large climbing tree structure, some jumping things, an aquarium, a stream, a cool bridge, and a fountain for clean water.

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