Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday: Traverse City

Since the boys have a rock climbing competition tomorrow, we decided to come up to Traverse City a day earlier and make the trip worthwhile.  We left around 9am, because I was anxious that we wouldn't be able to eat lunch and get to our 1pm appointment in time.  (Spoiler alert: we had a little extra time.  The boys ate faster than I expected and there was no traffic, but it was just right in the end.)

Our first stop was Wheels on Rails, where you can use special rail bikes to bike down a decommissioned railroad.  Overall, I'd say it was a great excursion!  Since we only had three people we also had one of the guides sit with us (they're bikes for four people), so we got some extra info about the area.  The weather was beautiful.  The way out was on a very slight downhill, but made pedaling very easy.  The way back was a little harder, but between the four of us we moved right along.  I'd say the "worst" part was that a 1hr45min trip was advertised and it was really about 1hr15min.  I'm glad we didn't do the shorter one.

After some melty ice cream, we stopped at a rock shop in downtown Traverse City.  It was a bit disappointing, and seemed a bit expensive for stuff.  We walked around just a little bit and then headed to another rock shop a mile away.  This second one was much better and the kids were excited to expand their collections.

I took a short nap at the hotel and we walked to dinner.  The boys are calling it the best pizza they've ever had!  It was stone fired and it was very good, but I was a little surprised by their enthusiasm.  We ended the day by going to a nearby beach.  There were a few rocks for Isaac to look through, and the kids played in the sand for a while.

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