Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thursday: normal day

We went to downtown Zeeland today to bring some games to the game store.  There was a gigantic penguin, so of course we took a picture and sent it to Ben.  The game store was really the only thing on the docket today, so I managed to get a few chores done too.  They were boring.  I briefly thought that maybe next year I should always make sure to have one mostly empty day every week, but then decided that was a bad plan - I'd rather have fun and periodically apologize about the messy house.

Two days ago we watched assorted Olympic sailing events.  One of them ended up being, accidently, the wind surfing from Tokyo.  There was no wind, so all of the athletes had to pump their boats to get anywhere and it was hilarious.  We watched it again last night because it was so funny. 

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