Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday: pretty normal day

We didn't have anything all that special today.  So we started by getting groceries.  This was the third week at Aldi and it's almost working for me...but not quite.  I think I'm going to try an every other week Meijer/Aldi switch, because most of the time I think I can handle thinking about two weeks of grocery needs.  And I can get just get milk and fruit at each location.

We also went rock climbing today and several walls had just been changed out and there was a take-away game going on in the alcove and so we stayed longer than normal.  But it was fun.  I'm getting better at my (very easy) routes.

Last night in karate we were doing knife defense.  As in, someone comes at you with a knife and what do you do?  We did it for almost 35 minutes and I keep finding hurts on my hand today.  (Nothing major.  If I had been exercising it'd be the equivalent of sore muscles.)  First a place where the skin rubbed off because I was holding the knife too hard when I was the attacker.  Then a random bruise on the side of my thumb.  Then some soreness on the back of my hand where the metacarpal takedown was held.  During practice I found myself talking a lot..."pinkie over the arm" or "pull up, push down, twist" or "let go already!"  If someone actually comes at me some time my plan is to scare them off just through my knowledge.

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