Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sunday: birthday

Today was Joshua's birthday and he was all about it.  He patiently waited for gifts until after church, but was pretty done after that.

Isaac went on a wrapping spree one day and made him all sorts of presents, including one with four Lego eyes, one with one Lego 1x1 plate, and one with a rock.

Snacksalotl was a big hit from Nathan and Liz.

While a few of these are Isaac's, I don't dare look in his bed anymore; I'm not sure how there's room for him.

Back row: Snacksalotl, Gnome (Isaac), Sven, Pluto
Fourth row: Steve (Isaac), Creeper, Pickachu, ??, Glitch
Third row: Tiger, Giraffe (Isaac), Grey Bear, Elephant, Blue Bear
Second row: Catpachino, Square*
First row: Poke Ball, Otter, Spark**
Not pictured: Giraffe2, because he isn't allowed out of Joshua's bed so that Giraffe and Giraffe2 don't get mixed up
*I made Square, which is really a poor rectangle, one night when all the lovies with sateen were lost.  It was a five minute project, because it was bed time.  I'm still rather surprised it's still around.
**Spark was lost behind the printer for about five years.  Lost, but not forgotten.  There was great rejoicing by Joshua when he was found.  

I made Joshua play outside for a little bit because he's been inside a lot this weekend.  Then it started to rain.  We decided to stay outside.  Then it started to rain hard, so we hurriedly packed up.

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