I did some work today. Groceries. A load of laundry. A load of dishes. Actually making dinner. Ignoring the rest of my to do list.
But I did a lot of fun stuff today too! We went to Tunnel Park with some friends. I took a nap. We went to the Bookish Olympics at the library.
I got the most pictures at the library, so that's what I'll talk about this most today. It was a drop in event, so we went at our own pace.
One event was book tower building. The kids had the tallest tower when we left. They worked well together.
Then book discus. They took old books and let people throw them as far as possible. It was fun. There was one book that definitely went the farthest.
And in other news, there are a lot of boxes around because no one is cleaning them up. The cats enjoy them.