Monday, October 7, 2024

Monday: ghosts

Scene: Getting the kids out of the house for school, which means making breakfasts and lunches and, most pertinent to this story, snacks.

I'm not always the cleanest lunch and snack maker, taking out food slowly and then putting it all away at the end.  I don't always close the cabinet doors.  

Ok.  Well, I cleaned up a bit and closed the cabinet door.  I dealt with something else.

Oh, the cabinet door is open again.  I must not have closed it.  I got everyone off to school.

Oh, the cabinet door is open again.  Have I really not closed it yet?  I thought I put all the snacks away.  I close it - I am certain it is closed.

Oh, the cabinet door is open again.  I haven't even been in the kitchen since last time I closed it!

I close the door and watch it.  Over the course of the next three seconds it opens all the way up.  I wasn't imagining it!  But it opened slowly enough that I had moved onto the next thing and didn't see it open.

I put a rubber band around the knob attaching it to the cabinet above.  It'll work for now.  Surprisingly, no one has said anything about it to me yet.  What changed to make it suddenly want to be open?

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Sunday: D&D

After rest time we had a bit of a rocky go of things.  I'm not really sure what happened, but several of us weren't happy.  We finally made it through and decided to start Joshua's D&D campaign.

I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting it to go all that well.  And I was happily proven wrong.

So far we've defeated a sewage monster, found (and opened) a hidden door/wall, found a sword in a stone, defeated a metal blaze, and defeated a mimic.  We also found some new weapons and spells.  Joshua has everything quite organized: he has a spell book for Isaac, monster information for all the monsters, and a story.  The monsters were on the easy side to defeat, but better than way than too hard.  It meant that we made progress.  I think there's also a few misunderstandings about the exact rules sometimes, but everyone just goes with the flow and it works.

Joshua's monsters are also well created and the hidden door/wall actually opened and closed.

It might be a while before we have time to play again, but it should be fun to continue on.


Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday: things getting done

I'm currently on fall break for a short time but it started off well.  I finally got a bunch of stuff off my to-do list.  I had time to get all the small stuff off and it felt good.  (Tornado helped by walking all over the clean clothes in the dresser.)

I was eating lunch and heard a thump.  Tornado had knocked Giraffe off the table!  Then Tornado circled around Giraffe like he was going to eat him.  It was definitely the bad part of Giraffe's day today.  (Isaac found it a little funny though.)

Saturday a long time ago: noodle wars

 Several months ago we had some friends over to our house.  We had a noodle fight.  I got the cheap pipe insulators from Lowe's instead of real pool noodles.  I'm not sure it was the best choice because they were a little flimsy, but they worked.

We sent the kids out first and then a few minutes later the adults came out with a surprise attack.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thursday: ok

It felt like I made several minor mistakes today.  Oddly enough, they didn't make it a bad day - it was just that I could have done better.  Some of them weren't even mistakes.  They were the right choice but not quite how I wanted the day to go.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Wednesday: one at a time

 It was a pretty normal Wednesday.  There were a few notable exceptions though...

1) I went to the Spectrum store to cancel our internet and bring back the modem.  Now, I decided to do it in-store because we had to bring back the modem and I was afraid that doing it over the phone was going to be a nightmare - we've had to deal with them in the past.  And my experience was lovely.  I had just sat down when my name was called.  (I bypassed several other people in line which I felt a bit bad about, but I had made an appointment.)  I told them I wanted to cancel my service and they said, "ok" and proceeded to process it without issue.  I was in and out within about five minutes, and one of those minutes was waiting at the kiosk to sign in.

2) I found another army man.  One day Isaac was on a mission to hide them all, and he has hidden them well!  I have found them in places that I only look a few times a year, if that.  This time it was on the headboard of the guest bed.  I'm a bit surprised it was still there because it had to stay there while I was sleeping on the bed for several nights and when I took off the sheets.

3) One of Joshua's spelling words is 'equation' and he just can't remember it.  The other words are coming along, but this one wasn't.  So instead of writing it again three times I made him draw it.  We'll see if it actually helped tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tuesday: busy

Today was busier than most Tuesdays.  I had several students in my office, so I didn't get as much prepped for Thursday as I needed to.  (However, one of the meetings was rather uplifting and we were able to celebrate some small victories.)

During rock climbing Isaac fell off the wall and got the wind knocked out of him, again.  Of course, I was belying Joshua and he was at the top of the wall.  There were people around to help Isaac, but I also got Joshua down quickly (and of course safely) and went over to see Isaac.  By the time I got there he was breathing again so I attempted to back off.  I'm not completely sure it worked, but I also think it mostly worked.  I'm not sure he got back on the wall again, but the coaches were there checking in with him and by the end of the practice he was mostly ok.  He was really tired this evening and went to bed earlier than normal though.  I did want to mention that while falling was Isaac's bad part of the day, rock climbing as a whole was his good part.