Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Wednesday afternoon: better

Isaac and I were both feeling better by about 4pm.  It was a bit weird; like a switch flipped and we suddenly felt better.

So Isaac went rock climbing while Joshua was at cadets.  I got a little bit more work (home and Hope), since I didn't move well during the day.

Tuesday/Wednesday: COVID shot

The kids had a half day of school today, so after I picked them up we went to get COVID shots.

It was fine.  I went back to work and stayed a bit longer because I didn't have to pick anyone up.

Late in the evening though, I could feel it.  I went to bed about 20 minutes later than I should have, although still before my actual bed time, because I was finishing a show and didn't really want to move.  But by the time I started moving I had a low grade fever.  I took some medicine, brushed my teeth, warmed up a bed warmer, and got into bed.  It's such a nice feeling because I know I don't need to move anymore.  I was still very cold and not feeling good, but at least I didn't have to move.  The fever broke in the middle of the night.  

Today I'm feeling ok.  My shoulder still hurts a bit and I am tired.  I was going to take an early nap before a quick meeting at noon, but as a sat down I got a call from Isaac saying he wasn't feeling great either.  I think we're both in the same spot.  Sluggish.  I picked him up, ate lunch, and am hoping that the meeting doesn't take too long so that I can go take a nice nap.

Monday, November 11, 2024


Today happened.  I got a lot but not all my grading done.  I went out to lunch with a friend.  I cleaned the kitchen.  We were out of bowls.  We had more bowl food items than normal the last few days, and just ran out.  We've run out of plates a few times, but never bowls.  I came upstairs to find Ben eating his cereal out of our four cup glass measuring cup.

Don't be fooled; the kitchen isn't clean.  I ran the dishwasher, but there was over a load on the counter.  I'll get around to it.

I helped with homework.  I made dinner.  I went to karate, where we did self-defense, again.  I looked at my to-do list and thought, "well, none of that sounds like fun."

And so, in the end, it was a fine day.  A little boring, a little productive.  Tomorrow will be an odd day, so hopefully I remember everything.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Thursday: arriving

I got home today and there was a box of donuts on the counter!  They were delicious! 

Dusty arrived safely. He's here mainly to see Ben, but the kids have strong ideas of what they want to do with him too.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Wednesday: the day after

The election has been called for Trump.

I'm going to copy someone else's post from Facebook, because it is the kindest way to put this that I've seen.

"Well, I did my part -- thoughtfully formulated opinions that I hope are data driven and rational and then submitted my ballot. That's all the power I have in a democracy.

So, now that my preference did not come to fruition, I'll wish Trump well and hope his policies have a net positive affect on the country.

Obviously, his winning doesn't change my strong opinions about how vile of a human he is -- but what are you going to do?  I certainly don't hope for his failure, because his failure is our failure."

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Tuesday: normal

Really, it was a rather normal day.  I thought classes went pretty well - there was good engagement.  I had lunch with Natalie and that was fun.  It was lightly sprinkly all day.  Rock climbing was ok - I was feeling slightly dizzy so I didn't climb as much as normal.

I've been watching all night as the election results roll in.  Eight years ago I woke up to a surprise result. so maybe I should have just waited a little longer to look.

Monday, November 4, 2024


 I finally got pictures of Grey Bear's cave from Saturday.

This afternoon Isaac had a dentist appointment to remove a tooth that wasn't coming out quickly enough.  Isaac was not excited about this, especially since it was a little loose.  So while he was brushing his teeth he pulled it out himself.  It was a weird call to the dentist - sorry for the late notice, but Isaac just pulled out the tooth that you guys were going to pull out, so I think we need to cancel.