Monday, September 30, 2024

Monday: venting, a bit

After feeling someone productive yesterday, mainly because we all worked hard during our extra half hour of cleaning, today felt the opposite.

If I think about what I did accomplish, it was quite a bit!  I even put a new toilet seat on, although admittedly that isn't a very hard task.

In the morning I had finished raking the edge and clearing out all the seaweed that had washed ashore.  I was glad Joshua had helped on Sunday, as it was one of the largest seaweed volumes we've had.  I looked back at the lake in the afternoon only to see a significant amount of seaweed back by the shore.  Six hours from clear to not clear.  Laundry at least gives me a week before it requires more attention.

That's not really true.  I'm still working on last week's laundry.  I try to finish by Saturday, but there was a lot of bedding that needed to be done this past week.  Everything is now clean from last week's wash, but not put away.  And the new cycle starts on Wednesday, so there'll be more to do again.

Am I on top of things?  Yes.  The important things are getting done.  Do I feel in control?  Not quite...but I do expect to eventually be back in control and so I'll hold out until then.

I also found a spider in my refrigerator this morning and I felt like it was taunting me.  "haha.  Things are so dirty in your house that there are even spiders in your fridge!"  I was running behind this morning and so I left it.  I told it, "haha.  Fridges aren't good places for spiders because they're cold."  I did finally save it this afternoon because I was afraid Joshua would see it and it would be an ordeal.  Laura suggested that maybe, since it was an itsy-bitsy spider, it just climbed the wrong water spout.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday: happenings

 For the third year, Isaac grew watermelons.  Today he picked his harvest.

To be fair, there were two watermelons on the vine.  The other one was a tiny bit bigger, but a pest got into it recently and so it remained out there.  I thought this was going to be our year because the melons were visible early!  Yes!  And then they just stopped growing.  Not enough sun?  Maybe the raspberry bushes covered them too much??  I don't know if he'll want to try again next year.

We finished up our Lego D&D campaign today.  The dragon came to collect its egg that a bad guy had stolen and we got caught in the cross-fire.  It turns out that we were "supposed" to let the bad guy help us wound the dragon so that it would leave with its egg, but we killed the bad guy really quickly.  Also luckily, the dragon had a bad roll and so didn't see three of us hiding in almost plain sight.

It was a fun game and the kids loved it.  Their imaginations have gone crazy making spin-offs.  Ben did a great job being the dungeon master, but it's also a lot of work to DM so I don't know if we'll do something similar again soon.  Well, besides the stories the kids have come up with.

Saturday: dinner

 We had dinner with Ben's family.  Isaac sat by Larry.  There were water bottle shenanigans happening.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Friday: rock climbing

 The sky was pretty this morning.

Night mode picture actually added a lot of colors that weren't yet visable.

Tornado has been sitting in cute poses.

We brought Grandma to the Scrapyard today to see us rock climb!  I was a little surprised that she wanted to come, but also very excited that she was willing to.  It was a great time to go since the gym was rather empty - it made it easier to roll around the wheelchair.  (Which was surprisingly easy to get on the mat, so I was also excited about that!)

She said she was scared for us a few times, but no one got obviously hurt so that was good.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday: I did it!

 I got Wordle in one try!!  I was so excited all day about it.

Also, there's another Tropical Storm Isaac.  The last one was in 2012 - it was pretty bad, but not bad enough to remove the name from the rotation I guess.  This one might spend most of it's time in the ocean.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday: rain

 It was a beautiful, rainy day today.  The rain was sporadic, but sometimes barely there and sometimes torrential downpour.  They had the garage doors open during rock climbing, so you could see and hear it well.

One of the many good parts of the day was flu shots.  (I heard the flu is coming a bit earlier this cycle, so we got them today.)  We went to the flu shot clinic at our doctor's office and we were probably in and out within ten minutes.  This is so much more amazing than doing it at a pharmacy, where it always feels as though you have to wait forever.  By the time we got there there was no line and it went nice and fast.

I also went out to lunch with Natalie.  I probably would have gotten chicken salad on a bagel, but they were out.  So I got the veggies on a was delicious.  I'll probably get it again.

Ben is starting to feel better.  I wore a mask at work though because those poor students have about 100 illnesses going around and they can't catch a break.  I don't need to accidently get them sick.  (And to be clear, I am currently symptom free and feel fine.  It's been about 48 hours since Ben started feeling sick, so I'm hoping to be in the clear.  But I didn't know that when teaching.)

Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday: oh Creeper

Tonight I was doing good part/bad part of the day for the lovies, as is normal.  Creeper loves anything to do with explosions, and usually this means that he says inappropriate stuff.  Joshua and I just sigh and say, "Oh Creeper."

Amanda: Bad part?
Creeper: When Dad stopped throwing up
Amanda: Good part?
Creeper: When Dad threw up all night!!!  *nods head vigorously to emphasize*

On the other hand, Grey Bear is very loving.

Amanda: Bad part?
GB: Dad being so sick
Amanda: Good part?
GB: When Dad stopped throwing up!!

So then I put Grey Bear over Creeper's head and Grey Bear pretended to talk for Creeper.

Grey Bear, as Creeper: Dad being sick is not good.
Grey Bear, as Creeper: Dad not throwing up is good.

Joshua found that last part funnier than I expected so I did it a few times.

And, in case you're wondering, Snackalotl's bad part was Dad being sick and his snacks for the day were a spice bar and a Snickers Ice Cream bar.  He only gets two snacks per day, otherwise he gets in big trouble.

Catcachino's bad part was not coming with me to the coffee shop today and his good part was that Grandpa Pat drank coffee.

Giraffe's bad part was Dad being sick and his good part was taking a nap with me.

Snowfoot's bad part was having to spend the whole day in a sick room with a sick person.  His good part was that someone was going to get him and not make him spend all night with a sick person.  (Cue Joshua to the rescue.)

Sometimes bed time is exhausting.