Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday: Welcome Spring party

We had a few friends over for a "Welcome Spring" party.

We grilled and had a picnic inside. Note the wild animal that visited us during our party.

It ended up being cool, but still nice enough to play our outdoor spring games. We played two games of croquet and some frisbee golf and a walk around the loop. Then we ended up having dinner (pizza) and playing Shadows over Camelot too. It was fun to be with them for such a significant part of the day...we haven't done that in a while.

So in Shadows we played with a traitor for the first time, and I was it. I was hoping I would get it, but didn't think I would. Anyway, it was rather stressful, pretending to be good but really being bad. Ben found me out near the end of the game, but the rest of the people didn't realize. And I was super close to being able to use the white cards against them, and possibly winning. Oh well, I guess it's good that the good guys won.

Friday: the week

Well, I realized that I hadn't posted in a while. Here's a quick synopsis...

Tuesday: work - blah. Small group party were all the boys hid in the half bath at one point and all the girls hid outside staring into a window.

Wednesday: work - blah.

Thursday: work - goodish. Ben and I went on a date to see Watchmen. It was...dark, but interesting. Could have been a little shorter.

Friday: work - blah. Hung out with Dusty. Laura is still busy at work. :(

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday: quilt

Flurry trying out the fabric to make sure it is good for lazing around on
The colors

The first squares put together.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday: frisbee

Today was a beautiful day! Clay and Jess called at 4 and we ended up playing ultimate frisbee with a group of friends. We probably ended up only playing ultimate for 20ish minutes though because we were all really out of shape. Then we played a nice game of frisbee golf around the playground (which was rather swampy).

I also got some cloth for my quilt and even cut a few pieces and sewed them together. Pictures tomorrow because I also finally got our picture from church and so I thought I'd post that since it is Sunday after all. I think it turned out pretty cute.

Saturday: happy Pi day!

This year for Pi day we wore circles and Pis,
Ate Pie,
played poker,
and generally enjoyed circles and spheres.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Friday: promotion

I got a promotion! Woot! My manager announced it at the group meeting, surprising myself and the group. I mean, I've been expecting/hoping for it for a while, but after my last conversation with him I really thought it would be a little bit longer. Ben and Dusty and Laura (in spirit) went out for a nice dinner to celebrate.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hmm. I was again late at work. It was weird...Ben needed to stay late these two nights too. It worked well.

I was thinking that this has been a good week hours-wise (as in a normal amount) and then I realized I was just working on the other side than normal. So I'm only a few hours (2-3 hrs) less than normal at this point of the week.

Unfortunately, that's about all of the exciting news. Hmm...Maybe more news than exciting.