Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday: hi

Baby Hilldore says hi.

(Or "get me out of here! There's not enough room!". But don't worry...i'll be a good parent and tell him he has to stay in and doesn't have a choice.)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday: hot chocolate

Betsy and I had drinks after work today.  As always, it was great to see her.  And she had a camera, so we were able to get a picture of us being pregnant together!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday: baby shower

I had a baby shower today.  It was a lot of fun to see the ladies and hear the various stories that came out about their children.  And Baby Hilldore has a lot of cool new stuff. :)

I don't have any pictures right now, so you'll just have to take my word that everything was very nice.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday: birthing class

Today Ben and I went to the child birthing class at the hospital.  It was pretty good, although also a bit scary...everyone in the videos looked like they were in so much pain.  (A little later they talked about pain medications and such, so that eased the scariness a little bit).  There was also a tour and just general information about how the hospital works and what to expect.  There were a few hands on activities, but they were all pretty short...we all had a baby doll but all that we did was swaddle it once.

At the end we got a certificate of completion, although it kind of felt like a certificate of having no clue what we're getting into.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday: dining

We went out to eat this evening, as we normally do on Fridays. The wait to get seated was a little bit long, but oh well. When we finally got seated they took our drink and dinner order.

Two minutes later our food came out. Thirty seconds after that our drinks came out. Now, it sure is nice to get your food quickly, but that was a little bit too fast.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday: hair cut

I got my hair chopped off today.  I know I've been talking about it for a while, but I finally set up the appointment.

Here I am in the morning:

Here I am after the cut.

I don't think I love the cut, but I usually don't love my hair quite this short.  I do like it though.  And I get to send five ponytails of hair off to a hair donation place.  I was told that usually people get to send two, maybe three.  Yay!  It makes me feel special.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday: baby

Today was another prenatal checkup.  :)  They're fast, but I enjoy them.

Baby is measuring at 34 weeks (1 week larger than expected).  The heart rate was 138 but going up because he started moving.  The head is facing my lower right.

Right before my appointment I went to the hospital to see an old childhood friend that just had a baby.  The baby was early (34 weeks) but is doing well.  Her baby is very small, but at the same time very large when I consider that I have something that size inside me.  I'm not really sure how he fits.