Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday: in the hood

Last night did not really go all that well. Isaac did not want to be put down, so we watched a movie. Then he was hungry about every two hours. :(

This morning we both had hoodie sweatshirts on. Actually we both had them on all day, not just in the morning.

We also tried the Bjorne again. Yesterday it didn't work, but today I realized I had to put some straps through some loops. Once I did that Isaac calmed down. I was hoping that he would stay awake in it, but he fell asleep. I had a 12:30 appt and I was trying to get Isaac to start a nap cycle in the car, but it failed completely. Oh well.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Today Isaac was cranky.

Here he wasn't cranky for 15 minutes...

(ok, there were several other times he wasn't cranky. But as he is getting older he is getting fussier.)

Flurry had an awesome pose during the above nap. She was trying to get my ham sandwich. Too bad my collection of water bottles joined her too.

And here are Ben and Isaac bonding before bed time.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday: 5 diapers

Amanda removes a dirty diaper from Isaac (#1).

Isaac pees, soiling the diaper that is under him for such emergencies (#2).

Amanda gets a new diaper and wrap under Isaac. Isaac poops. (#3)

Amanda quickly removes the soiled diaper before it gets over anything. Isaac finishes pooping on the new emergency diaper (#4).

Amanda finally gets a clean diaper on Isaac (#5). Phew.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saturday: one outfit

Today's big news is that Isaac managed to stay in the same outfit all day! Hurray!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friday: 3 weeks

Today Isaac is 3 weeks old!

He also started using the next size diaper, which worked very nicely.

I put him down on the floor while I was going to the bathroom this morning, and made Flurry make a choice: get water but get close to Isaac or stay away from both. She decided to get the water, but stalked by Isaac very carefully and as close to the wall as possible.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday: more rolls

We went out today and saw Christen and Samuel. And it was a lot of fun. It was nice to get out and see them and swap poop stories. (And a lot of other stories too.)

Then Ben was spending tummy time with Isaac and gently bonked him on the head with his head. And Isaac said "Ow"

 Then Isaac rolled over. We both saw it. Then he did it again. Then we got it on video.
 He just did it for a fourth time, and this time he didn't start with his arm under him but to the side.

Wednesday: busy

Today was another busy day, but good. It started with a trip to Grand Haven to get Isaac on my insurance and show him off to coworkers. He did an awesome job of being cute and sleeping while we were there.

Then Dad came over during lunch.

Isaac had his first real bath, but it didn't go very well and ended up being a half bath.

Then he decided to show his support for Hope College. (there was also a Hope/Calvin game tonight which I was completely unaware of at the time.)

(of course, he got it wet a short time later so I don't know if that is a sign.)

Then Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner and a game of bean farmer. It was fun, and the food delicious, but isaac got fussy near the end. Ben weighed Isaac on our scale, which is only precise to the nearest half pound, but he was at nine pounds.