Saturday, February 4, 2012

Friday: (mostly) packed

Today started out with Isaac's five week picture! The quilt also got finished this week. And we're wearing red and hearts to Raise awareness of women's heart disease

Most of the rest of the day was spent packing, although we did take a break for lunch and to buy some fabric. The good news is that pretty much everything is packed though. We forgot the microwave and there are some clean and dirty clothes still in baskets and a few random things are out, but everything else is in a box. It's rather amazing how many boxes it takes to get all the stuff that we had here. (my guess, though, is that everything will fill up about two-thirds of the u-haul.)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thursday: packing

Today a lot of packing got done. And some unpacking got done. It is kind of like Christmas to open up boxes that were packed up last April and sitting in storage since then.

Isaac took his first pacifier today (twice even). It seemed to come out of his mouth fairly quickly, but still stayed in long enough to calm him down.

(I know it's dark, but it is what you get at 4am)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday 2: well child visit

Can you believe I forgot to report the results of our doctors visit?

Isaac weighs 10 pounds (up 3 lb since birth), grew an inch, has good color, and is very aware. The doctor was very happy with how he's doing!

Wednesday: a night conversation

Ben: i'm afraid
Amanda: what are you afraid of?
B: oceans
A: why are you afraid of oceans?
B: they make my books wet.
A: are you afraid of hoses?
B: some
A: are you afraid of glasses of water...
B: and babies. Babies make everything wet
A: true

We had dinner with Ben's family...everyone was able to be there and so it was a little crazy, but in a very good way. Autumn tried teaching Isaac how to laugh, it didn't work. :(

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Hunger Monster

Hunger Monster has been one of my nicknames for Isaac. Today it worked for us and against us.

Once again it was every two hours between feedings last night.

But...he also took his first bottle from Ben without any problems. Hurray! (Of course, there also wasn't enough in the bottle so he was hungry again 15 minutes later.)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday: one month

Isaac is one month old today!

He got dressed in his Animal shirt because it had been a rough night. He kept waking up.

Isaac and Flurry are starting to get along better.

I pumped for the first time! I had wanted Isaac to eat before an appointment, but my attempts at gently waking him up failed completely. Next up is actually getting him to eat from the bottle though.

And sleeping. He took two amazing naps during the day; I wish they were at night instead.

Ben and I were talking about how much he's changed in just a month. He's grown a ton...clothes that used to be way too big are almost too small. His head can stay up easily during tummy time. He can roll over (when he's in the mood). He doesn't sleep as well at night.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday: socks and sheets

This morning Isaac soiled the last pair of clean socks that he had. (That fit...he had some that were too big and lots of pairs waiting to be washed.). So since he was going to wear socks that didn't fit no matter what, I thought he might as well wear some of Ben's.

We also went to the new house and put our bed together. Guess what we found? The bottom sheet from our sheet set! The movers hadn't taken it off, which is why I was unable to find it in April.

It also snowed ton this morning. Around 7 I don't remember seeing much accumulation (although I wasn't looking very hard) and by 11 there was about ... 8"? I'm bad at estimating snow depths, but it was a lot.