Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday: seven weeks

Isaac is seven weeks old!

. Last night Ben took the first night feeding with a bottle. Isaac also decided to skip his midnight feeding again, so I only had to get up once during the night!
Today we learned about helicopters. He wore helicopters and Ben flew his RC helicopter around a bit

We also learned about a few of the tools used to fix helicopters. We did this while Ben put together my new desk chair.

This photo was taken a few days ago, but it shows such a happy Isaac!

hmm, I thought I had a ton of other things to say, but I can't remember.

Thursday: green, kitchen, going out

Today was green day. It all started when Isaac wore a green shirt, pants with green on them, and green socks. Then since Ben wasn't dressed yet, Isaac thought it would be good for him to wear his green shirt. I threw on a green shirt, grabbed Flurry (who has green eyes) for a family picture.

Isaac was exhausted from organizing all that, so took his first nap of the day. I finished unpacking and cleaning the kitchen, and it looks awesome. Now to keep it that clean...

Finally, we had several errands to do this morning. This leads to a question...Isaac often seems to overheat in his car seat. So we used the bjorn at the library because he was awake and screaming (and hot). Then we used the stroller at Barnes & Noble because he was asleep (he got pretty warm, but not sweaty). What do other people do when going out to make everything go smoothly? Are there any tricks? I know he might get too hot because he screams, but then I think he screams because he is too hot.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday:a walk

Today we went for a walk. I thought it was was warm and sunny. Isaac thought it was torture.

To be fair, he was too hot as I didn't realize how warm it was and he was about to have a large bowel movement, so he was legitimately mad.

We got home, he cooled off, and we played with rings. Or at least I played with rings and Isaac put up with it.

Last,but not least, I put up a solar system in Isaac's room. There will be pictures later, but the box said that it had updated information about Pluto's status. I looked and looked but couldn't find anything. Everything referred to it as a planet. It was false advertising.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday: happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine's Day. We didn't really do anything over here to celebrate, but Isaac did wear a reddish shirt that says "my mommy rocks"...which seems like a Valentine's greeting to me.

Also, the blog had some technical difficulties due to the app I've been using to post. So I spent two hours in the morning fixing some stuff. I might have more to do, but I'm going to wait a week and see if it resolves itself.

Isaac had a weird day. He slept a lot, and if he wasn't sleeping he was either passively watching something or rather cranky. He ended up spending a lot of time watching his birds in the swing, but he also enjoyed shredding papers. We have a lot of paperwork that we managed to accumulate since we moved.

I finished a puzzle. I decided not to do the edges because they were all one color and the edges should have been brought in one row.

We also had several visitors today! Betsy came over and it was nicety get caught up with her. Then Jamie and her kids briefly stopped by.

And here's the best Valentine's gift...Isaac skipped his midnight(ish) feeding. He went five hours without eating and I got four hours of sleep!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday: stuff

Let's see...

Today Isaac got an email address. But he isn't using it yet, so we're not breaking any laws. I just needed it to make a sign on for the insurance.

Behind this door is a surprise...

Isaac was also rather sleepy today. And although you can't hear it, in this picture he is snoring up a storm.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday early morning: good idea, bad idea

Good idea: get out of a warm bed to feed a screaming baby

Bad idea: don't put on your robe and slippers and think that by not putting them on you will get back to bed in just a few minutes.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday: church and play toy

We went to church again today, and sat in the cafe area.  Ben and I both caught only about half the service because other people don't have to be quiet out there.  (But neither does Isaac.)  Oh well.  I think it is still good practice.  We also got the baptism video.  I'm trying to convert, trim, and upload it to YouTube but it is taking a long time.  Maybe it will be tomorrow's goal.  Along with getting groceries.

I also put together a play toy thingy.  The problem this play toy has is that it forgot that babies have feet.  So if I set it over him the correct way (so that he can see the mirror and the toys hang down), his feet bump into the green thing and he is too far away from the toys.  After a while I took the green thing out (which was easier than expected).  It can go in later if we change our minds.

Even before I took the green thing out, Isaac really seemed to enjoy it.

He even managed to hit all the hanging things with his hands.  Although I'm not sure if it was ever on purpose or if he was just flailing and then hit them.  (In the photo below his hand is blurry so you can tell it is moving by the toy.)