Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday: flies

Over the weekend we got two flies in the house.  Normally we only get one at a time, and it dies within a few days.  Not this time!  Now we have a bunch of dumb flies...so we also have some fly paper.  It isn't working as quickly as I was hoping though.

In other news, I worked today (so the kids were at daycare) and then we went to the gym.  Normally I try to stay away from this, but with car shopping it just didn't happen this week.  And Joshua didn't really handle it all that well, as I had been expecting.  Ah well, now I know for sure.  (When I was picking him up from the gym he saw me and started crying and the worker felt so slow in getting him to me.)

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday: getting a hold of the camera

We got the tripod out today and Isaac decided to be a photographer...

Some are surprisingly artistic.

Note Joshua in the background...he seemed to use the walker with purpose today and kept at it for quite a while.

This was the one attempt at holding both boys upside down.  It didn't go all that well.

"I want to take a picture of Joshua walking but he keeps moving."

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Sunday: and back down

I took a walk with Larry and Isaac.  Isaac enjoyed it because I let him go in the stroller and he loves the stroller.  And the weather was perfect...cool but not too cool once you started moving.

We came back home today.  It was a nice vacation...rather relaxing.  Joshua slept almost the whole time in the car and I woke Isaac up with an hour left so that he would sleep tonight.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday: up north

We were in charlevioux today. We started out by stopping at the fabric store. They let Isaac pick out a piece of fabric. He went off with Cheryl and was looking for something black. Cheryl found several options, and Isaac choose the blackest. So then I suggested just getting a solid black and he was super excited about that. The kid does like black.

Joshua had a medium day. I think he enjoyed the new surroundings, but only as long as Ben or I was close by. And he didn't take a very long nap.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Thursday: firsts

Yesterday Joshua had his first bandaid.  He scraped his toe while scooting on the driveway.  It was little, so I ignored it and put him in the car seat.  It must have still been bleeding when we got to the gym, because when we left there was a bandaid on it.

Then today we saw Joshua take three steps.  They were itty bitty baby steps, each covering maybe an inch.  But he picked his foot up and put it back down while staying upright.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Today's new fun activity was playing in the cupboards under the sinks.  One side has been empty for a while, and I emptied the other side.  It just had pumping stuff and I'm done with pumping.

By the end I had to take out the two drawers with our stuff in, but that just made nice windows.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday: long day

Phew...it's been a long day.  I test drove a Jeep by myself this morning.  (By myself!  It was intimidating.)  I liked it well enough to arrange to meet again this evening so Ben could test drive it.  And in between I worked/taught/mothered.

When getting Joshua out of the car I would say his name in a funny voice and rub his nose with mine.  He loved it and kept trying to get me to do it again by sticking his face right under my nose.  It was really cute.

Isaac was talkative.

Classes went well.  I tried a skit for the first time.  Well, not really a skit...the students didn't talk and really all they had to do was hold signs.  It was kind of dumb.  (Kind of?  It was really dumb.)  But I'm hoping that if it was dumb they forget about it and if it wasn't dumb they learn from it.  At the very least it broke up the class a bit.