Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday: croup

Ah, it's that time again.  Time to deal with croup. Joshua had a bad night last night and didn't get much better upon waking.  I brought him to the doctor as soon as I could.  They gave him a shot, but I'll admit, it didn't seem to help much.  This surprised me, because croup usually gets much better during the day, so along with the shot I thought it'd be smooth sailing.

We went outside for a bit a little bit before noon.  It was cool and the rain soothing and Joshua finally took a nap.  After a bit we moved inside so I could sleep too.

He perked up after the nap, but breathing was still labored.  We called the doctor so that we didn't start to worry once they were closed and bright him in for an x-ray.  The x ray was clear.

The evening, i.e., bed time, went poorly.  Joshua was probably milking it for all it was worth, but he did sound terrible.  We finally went outside and he feel asleep again.

And now we're in the guest room with the window wide open. We'll see if it is sufficient.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Saturday: life

I'm still dealing with this cold.  (Or allergies?  I didn't think I'm allergic to anything, but it's hard to tell.)  Yesterday and today have been better than earlier in the week, but I'm still wiped out.

That being said, a lot of stuff did get done today.  Maybe that's because our house cleaner came and she did a lot of the work.  Well, Ben and I did some work too.  Legos got cleaned up, the sprinklers were blown out, and paperwork done.

I leave you with this picture of Joshua.  It's hard to tell, but he's wearing two pairs of sunglasses and thought it was hilarious.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday: warm day

 It was a warm day out, so when we got home from picking Isaac up from school we did some outside stuff.  I got out Isaac's old Lego costume, which he'll be wearing again, so that we could update the color.  It will be silver.  We redid some of the tape around the holes and primed it.  We also found that the nubs we used weren't holding the primer very well, so we made some new ones.

While picking Isaac up two people said, "good bye Isaac!"  He still doesn't know anyone's names, but it was nice to see that people are saying goodbye to him.

We got his school picture earlier this week...

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Thursday: a talk

Today I had a talk with my students.

You know, the college students?

I talked to them about plagiarism.  What it looks like.  How they can avoid it.  Why they should avoid it.  Ahh, life skills.  I suppose my classroom is as good as any.

We had this talk because I've had about double the number of incidents (some reportable, some not) of a normal semester and we're only half way through it.  Hopefully this will encourage people to stop trying to take the easy way out.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Tuesday: work

Work.  Sometimes the students just make me want to shake my head and ask "why?"

(I had a bit of a rant written, but decided that it wasn't quite so appropriate.  Normal teacher complaints...nothing special.)

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Sunday: thought too soon

Last week I noticed that several students had sniffles.  I thought to myself, "oh, I'm not sick.  That's really nice."

Today I noticed that both kids had some sniffles.

Tonight I have some sniffles.  Bother.