Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday: croup

Ah, it's that time again.  Time to deal with croup. Joshua had a bad night last night and didn't get much better upon waking.  I brought him to the doctor as soon as I could.  They gave him a shot, but I'll admit, it didn't seem to help much.  This surprised me, because croup usually gets much better during the day, so along with the shot I thought it'd be smooth sailing.

We went outside for a bit a little bit before noon.  It was cool and the rain soothing and Joshua finally took a nap.  After a bit we moved inside so I could sleep too.

He perked up after the nap, but breathing was still labored.  We called the doctor so that we didn't start to worry once they were closed and bright him in for an x-ray.  The x ray was clear.

The evening, i.e., bed time, went poorly.  Joshua was probably milking it for all it was worth, but he did sound terrible.  We finally went outside and he feel asleep again.

And now we're in the guest room with the window wide open. We'll see if it is sufficient.

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