Friday, October 6, 2017

Isaac - 69 months

Isaac turned 69 months last week.

Kindergarten (as seen from home): The transition to kindergarten has gone much better than I had expected.  He has not seemed significantly more tired.  He usually isn't cranky.  He hasn't complained about have to go.  The small amount of homework that he does have (15 minutes a week) has been a bit hard.  He doesn't love doing it but is willing to do it.  He doesn't love to accept my instruction though, and as I try to give him tips on how to write a specific letter (especially his a's).

Kindergarten (as seen from school): Ben stopped by to meet Isaac's teacher since he wasn't able to make the 'meet the teacher' night.  She said that he is very respectful.  (While this isn't a surprise, it does contrast a story that we just heard yesterday.  Isaac mentioned that his clip wasn't moved.  (It's a warning clip if you do something wrong.)  He often mentions this, but I might have said something like, "has your clip ever moved?"  He said no, but once it almost did because someone accidentally ripped his paper and so he purposefully ripped the other person's paper.)  Overall he seems to be enjoying it.

Kindergarten: His favorite special is gym, followed by technology.  This surprised me a bit, but he likes running around.  His least favorite is art, because there's a lot of coloring.  We finally figured out the name of his long-description-named friend, as Ben and I have seen him and his family and caught the name.  They don't always play together, but still sometimes.  I think Isaac sometimes just plays with whoever is running around.  We hear about some parts of the day, although I'm pretty sure there are big gaps that we miss.

Play: Isaac still plays a lot of Legos.  He still plays with Joshua quite a bit.  Screen time is still much sought after, although the schedule has changed and he's adapted. 

Puppy: Isaac is still a puppy and woofs, but it hasn't been quite as much puppiness as sometimes.

I miss him at kindergarten, but I also feel like I still get to see him quite a bit.  I don't have as much to update on for this post, but I think we've settled into a good routine.

1 comment:

betsy said...

So much of this sounds similar to our experience. So glad he's adjusting well!!!