Thursday, October 5, 2017

whales at music class

Last week going to music class we started talking about the whale that swallow Jonah.  Joshua mentioned that it was a blue whale that swallowed him.  Ok, I thought.

Then we got to the class and suddenly it made sense.

This is the (blue) whale that ate Jonah.

This is the grey whale that didn't swallow Jonah.

This past week we were again talking about the whales.  The blue whale was in the ocean, but the grey whale wasn't.  I tried to convince him that all whales are in the ocean, but he wasn't convinced.  We got to the class and suddenly it made sense...the grey whale is on top of the water.  Did you notice it before it was mentioned?

I don't completely understand how he can't remember the letters of his name but he can remember exactly what these whales look like.  I expect there's a reason though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Future oceanographer/marine biologist!

Annette B.