Thursday, February 15, 2018

Thursday: computer

I opened up my laptop to get my notes for class, and I couldn't get the webpage to load.  Bother...but the internet breaks on it on a relatively frequent basis.  I know how to fix it.  But this time, it didn't work.  I restarted the computer, and when it was still shutting down after ten minutes I did a hard restart.  It restarted, but nothing worked.

I was able to do this class without my notes; it was a rather lucky day in that regards actually.  But it was annoying and made me feel a bit off my game.

Joshua got his Valentine's from school today and he loved them.  He loved the words on them.  He loved the candy.  He was just so excited.  (By the way, Valentine's almost seems to net them more candy than Halloween.)

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Wednesday: Fire plane

Joshua finally earned his fire plane today!  Yesterday he "shoveled" some snow, and he was willing to do the same today.  And by shoveled I'm not sure if more snow ended up in the driveway than what was originally there, but I decided it was the thought that count.

He made the whole plane over the late afternoon/evening and I think it's sleeping in his room now.  He did a really good job on it; I mainly needed to turn pages and just double check to make sure things were in the right place.

Isaac got a ton of stuff for Valentine's day, including a glow stick.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday: Parent Teacher Conferences

Isaac's parent-teacher conference went very well today.  He's doing great in math - something clicked for him.  We noticed it and the teacher noticed it.  Apparently he and another student asked when they were going to learn multiplication.

He is doing well with reading.  His reading is around 80th percentile, but he's still getting all the things he needs to get...sounding out words especially.  He's probably at about the spot he'll need to be leaving kindergarten, so everything is coming along well.

He could use a bit of improvement in writing, but his teacher isn't sure if he's slow because his writing is slow or he's thinking about what he wants to write.  In either case, she isn't worried as he has words on the paper.

Socially he seems to be doing just fine in class.  She's heard a few big laughs from Isaac lately, so he's feeling more comfortable in class.  He's also talking with most of the students, even though he doesn't have a 'best' friend.

There's a book fair at the school's library that they always sell well to the kids.  Isaac had put down some titles that he really wanted, and he mentioned a few times that he wanted to show Ben the list because there were minecraft books on it.  Well, one minecraft book was just a guide of how to play and the other was the third in a series.  So we got him a different Minecraft book that wasn't on the list.  When I got home, I told him we didn't get him any of the books on his list and he was about to cry.  I quickly showed him what we did get and he quickly got happy again.  Disaster averted.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday: winter break

Today and tomorrow are winter break.  I feel like I usually have big plans - things to clean, misc work to do, whatnot - but this time I don't.  So while I am doing a little bit of work, there isn't a ton getting done.  I am very ok with that.

Joshua got a Valentine's stuffed monkey from daycare.  He was promptly named Monkey.  Grey Bear and Monkey are getting along very well.  Grey Bear is helping Monkey stay up off the snow and they are shooting off to Mars together.  Below they are hugging.

Dad and Pat invited us for lunch at Panera, and that was nice.  It was nice to see them and Joshua had a good time telling them all about Grey Bear and Monkey.  After that was a tantrum (because Joshua didn't want rest time) and then rest time.  Joshua's been throwing a lot of tantrums lately, and they usually involve throwing something.  The not listening has gotten him in time out, while the throwing has gotten him additional time.  Anyway, he made some robots during rest time.  Well, that first one is a cake for Ben I think.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Sunday: bedtime

I put Joshua to bed and left the room.  A moment later I heard a, "Mom?"

I went into his bedroom.  "I love you Mom."

"I love you too."

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday: yesterday

Joshua has still been all about looking at the fire plane box.  But he seems to have no interest in making the last two dollars to actually get it.  (Two dollars is not that much work.  We are being rather generous.)

So yesterday Ben said that if Joshua doesn't start earning the money, we're going to put the box back in the closet.

Yesterday at lunch, Joshua announced that he hid the box from Ben.  I tried getting Joshua to tell me where he hid it, but he kept saying, "It's a secret."  (In hindsight, he might just not know where it was.)

Yesterday night we were all talking about it, and Isaac pipes up with, "He did hide it really well!  It's not in most of the rooms of the house!"  Ben and I cracked up.

It was found this morning by the rest of the Legos.  Joshua told Ben it was just a trick.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday: snow day

Isaac had another snow day today!  Today was an excellent day for a snow day, and we enjoyed it.

We decided to make graham cracker houses.  Isaac's wanted to make them since Christmas, when there just wasn't enough time.  We had to go the store first to get groceries and graham cracker house supplies.  Joshua was not having it.  This is the second huge tantrum we've had this week.  I ask him to get dressed and he doesn't want to.  He throws something and then runs away from me.  (Spoiler alert: I win.)

Anyway, we finally got started. I made Joshua's and mine; Isaac did most of his.

We let them sit for a few hours.  I've found that letting the frosting harden at least a little bit makes things easier.  After rest time we started with the candy.  Joshua did his own candy.  He got many of the candies on, but if they happened to fall off he quickly decided that they just wouldn't say on and they went in his mouth.  :)




After this Isaac and Joshua played well with each was some kind of pirate candy land game that involved a lot of running.  And a lot of pillows.  But they were happy and content, so they could take all the pillows they wanted.