Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday: winter break

Today and tomorrow are winter break.  I feel like I usually have big plans - things to clean, misc work to do, whatnot - but this time I don't.  So while I am doing a little bit of work, there isn't a ton getting done.  I am very ok with that.

Joshua got a Valentine's stuffed monkey from daycare.  He was promptly named Monkey.  Grey Bear and Monkey are getting along very well.  Grey Bear is helping Monkey stay up off the snow and they are shooting off to Mars together.  Below they are hugging.

Dad and Pat invited us for lunch at Panera, and that was nice.  It was nice to see them and Joshua had a good time telling them all about Grey Bear and Monkey.  After that was a tantrum (because Joshua didn't want rest time) and then rest time.  Joshua's been throwing a lot of tantrums lately, and they usually involve throwing something.  The not listening has gotten him in time out, while the throwing has gotten him additional time.  Anyway, he made some robots during rest time.  Well, that first one is a cake for Ben I think.

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