Friday, April 19, 2019

Friday: breakfast and visit

Yesterday I was making breakfast.  It was a bit out of order because Isaac was moving a bit slowly.  Then this happened.  Isaac's oatmeal in my Cheerios.  Luckily it was before I put my milk in, so I at least saved my Cheerios.

Today we went to visit Ben's Grandma.  Joshua was entertaining as normal. :D

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thursday: cirimeter

Ben and I are currently in charge of Isaac's math homework.  Last week in school they talked about shapes.  So this week we talked about area and perimeter.  He figured it out pretty quickly with squarish shapes, so the last homework included some circles.  He started it yesterday and we were reviewing it today...I asked him what the C in Pi*d = C stood for and he said "Cirimeter".  While not correct, it sure is a good description.

(While a minor point, we rounded Pi to 3.  It's just an approximation not matter how many decimals are used, so why not use zero decimals.)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday: Easter Egg hunt

Today at karate there was an Easter egg hunt.  Blindfolded, because there's no where to hide the eggs out on the mat.

But first some practice...

Spreading out the eggs...

They let Joshua come join us.  I'm not sure if it's because I also attend or if all other kids could come out and Joshua was the only other kid.  Nice of them either way.

Finding eggs...

And getting candy.  Joshua was so excited after opening every single egg.  (And Isaac had the foresight of trading his gum, knowing I'd take most of it away.)

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday: warm clothes

Warm clothes in the dryer: enjoyed by people and kitties.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday: a pretty good day

Today was a pretty good day.  I actually got some housework done.  (And it was house cleaning day, so the house is relatively clean too!)

Joshua knocked his head very hard on the table though.  He has a good bruise and proceeded to take a nap for about an hour.  It worked out ok though, because then he didn't have to come to karate with me.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Sunday: Palm Sunday

Happy Palm Sunday!

Isaac and Joshua went into church waving palm branches today.  They held hands down the aisle for the first half...Joshua might have been a bit nervous.

Joshua also took his first communion today.  There is no rule on when a child can start taking it and Joshua was interested.  We talked about it yesterday and he loved God and said that he believed that Jesus died on the cross for him.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Saturday: slide

This afternoon, the boys were working on assorted projects.  Isaac was building a house for the cats and Joshua was building a slide.  At first he put a large piece of cardboard on the stairs and I thought he'd be sliding stuff down it.  Anyway, I quickly put a stop to that because we don't play on the stairs.

So Joshua decided to make the slide upstairs.  I left him to it.  About ten minutes later Joshua was crying (with real tears).  I went upstairs and Joshua was upset because his slide broke when he tried to slide down it.  Keep in mind that it was made with five pillows and a piece of flat cardboard.

Oh, Joshua and I had a good talk because he cried about this for longer than I expected.  We talked about the different aspects of slides and why his didn't work.  We talked about Ms. Frizzle and how it's good to make mistakes.  I told him I was proud of him for trying to make a slide.

In other news: can you find the cats?