Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday: the best trip ever

Tonight we were going up to Charlevoix and a little bit in front of us a semi-truck turned over onto the side of the road, spreading what it was hauling all over the road. So we had to stop. What could it be except an Entermann's truck filled with donuts?!?!

So we helped to clear the road and in exchange for our help we got to eat our fill and then fill up the car with donuts. I packed them in!

Wouldn't that have been awesome? Ben and I spent a lot of time figuring out all the couldn't just be a regular donut truck because we were driving the company car and the donuts needed to be packaged so it wouldn't make a mess of the car. But they still had to be good donuts.


Anonymous said...

Wait...was this a dream? Just something you were thinking of? /Confused


sailor42 said...

i thought that was a true story!!!