Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday: baby update

I saw the OB again today and got fun information!

My due date didn't actually change (sad), although all the measurements are still about a week ahead. I think all this means is a lot of hand waving is going on.

Baby Hilldore's abdomen cavity is in the 98%...i.e., he's chubby.
His head is in the 88%.
Everything else was pretty normal.

I have an anterior placenta, which apparently means I don't feel him move as much. But I think I'm feeling him move quite a bit. So I've decided that he's strong. Because if he is going to be chubby, he may as well be strong.

Also, since I'm wearing maternity pants it is harder to gauge how I'm growing. I can't say "oh, I can't button my pants anymore." So I measured myself, and my waist is at 37". This way I can tell a little better that I'm growing.


Ashley said...

The girls at work use to measure my waist as well. I think at the end I was 47". LOL. My Dr. had said Ava was measuring ahead a week at one of our visits and I asked if it meant she would be early. The answer was no but she will probably just be a big baby. She wasn't big either.


Ashley said...

Oh and the anterior placenta...had one of those too. I felt her but didn't feel her hiccups too much.