Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday: today

During breakfast:
Isaac: Eagles go up up?
Amanda: yup
Isaac: Mom go up up?
Amanda: No
Isaac: Mom no wings?  (With an arm motion)
Amanda: Yeah!

We finally got some shelves built in the basement.  I'm excited...and here's a poor picture.  It's at one of those angles that is hard to photograph.

We met Betsy, Ethan, and Leah at the park.  Isaac played really hard and crashed within a minute of getting in the car.

I had my OB appointment.  I'm 50% effaced and only dilated to 1...but the doctor might have just been saying that to be nice.  The baby's head is down but not facing the right way.  I know I still have several (three) weeks left, but I was really, really hoping for different news.

1 comment:

Amy Worrel said...

I'm sorry he's not more ready to come out...but it could happen super fast! You're almost there!