Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday: still sick

Today was the worst day by far.  I thought I was better at 4am when I fed Joshua, but at 5am I woke up so cold.  So cold that I decided that taking a hot shower was my best option.  In the middle of the night.

The Tylenol that I took at 6am finally kicked in around 7.  I had a doctor's appointment at 9:30.  I still had a low grade fever. The doctor wasn't really sure why I have a fever; the mastitis symptom had all cleared up.  But she put me on an antibiotic.

The Tylenol never quite made it the whole six hours it needed about 40 minutes before I could take the next dose I'd be shivering in bed.  The medicine kicked in pretty well in the afternoon and everyone took good naps.  It did not kick in so well around dinner time and I ended up calling the doctor.  I'm now taking Ibprofin too.  I'm still hot and clammy but don't technically have a fever.

I'm not sure I've ever been taking so many medications at once...six all told.  I should probably write down when I'm should take the next dose so that I don't mess it up.


betsy said...

I hope the antibiotics kick in and you feel better asap!

betsy said...

Oh and yes I remember having my own little drug store set up on my counter earlier this summer too ;-) throw in sleep depravity and it's difficult to remember what you took 10 min ago let alone hours ago!