Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday: 8 months/35 weeks

Joshua recently had his eight month birthday.  How time flies!

Eating: Nursing is going fine (although he's had a cold so the last few days have been a bit hard).  He is having a harder time drinking from a bottle after several months without a problem.  He refuses formula.  Eating solids is sometimes ok, but he refuses them on a regular basis too.

Sleeping: Sleeping is still about the same.  Two short naps and one longer nap (or one short nap and a very long nap).  He still wakes up about once in the middle of the night to eat.  I usually find him on his stomach in his crib, and I often find him far from the place that I put him.

Mobility: Joshua is still not all that mobile.  He quickly rolls from his back to his front.  He can spin in place.  I've seen him try to pull up on a few things that wouldn't support him and maybe some claps's hard to tell.

Attitude: He's still quite happy.  Not necessarily silly, but getting smiles out of him is pretty easy.  (Except when we were in Florida.  He was rather serious then.)

Misc: We just got rid of the pacifiers.  He had started chewing on them a lot and then with the cold he wouldn't take them.  So it seemed like a good stopping point.  Joshua seems to like Ben a lot more than Isaac did at this age...there is always a huge smile for Ben when he gets home from work.

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