Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday: 40 months

Isaac is 40 months!

He thinks carrots are treats/snacks, and so has been eating a lot of them.  PB&N is still the favorite meal, and still the answer to what he wants for breakfast.  Every single day.  And every day I tell  him it's a lunch food.

He doesn't like having his picture taken as much anymore and will often hide.  He still doesn't have many songs, but he does know his ABCs and sings that one a lot.  The rest of his songs are "locked away."

He likes to open the garage door.  I feel like we're not having as many semi-meltdowns as we were in the beginning of the year.  When he does cry he can sometimes calm himself down without a wipe, but it is an effort.  He is "getting bigger."

He can get himself dressed in the morning, but it still sometimes takes a half hour.  (Why?  I'm not sure.  I think he gets distracted.  And he always wants to know where his color change T-shirt is.  It's usually in the wash.)  He sometimes needs help getting his socks twisted the right way.  (Above he's showing Adam and Eve in furs.  He made it in Sunday School.)

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