Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Tuesday: happy birthday Joshua!

The birthday day started with a donut!  It was a plain one, but Joshua still enjoyed it.

It continued with his first pony ride at Meijer.  Unfortunately, Isaac took the picture and covered most of it with his finger.  Joshua also got some toothbrushes.

We got ready for the birthday party throughout the day.  We hung up streamers, but my one picture of them wasn't very good; I'll try tomorrow.  We also frosted cupcakes.

Joshua ate at the kids table.  He likes watermelon the best right now, so he had quite a bit of that.

He had lots of help opening presents.

Cupcake time!  The wind blew out the candle before we finished singing.  Oh well...it would have been too hot otherwise.

Ready, set,

go!  Joshua ate all the frosting off and some of the cake.  He mostly made a mess with the cake.

He also got his first taste of ice cream.  He wasn't a fan.

There was also a new water table...but we had to wait until the bigger kids finished playing first.  He didn't seem to mind though, so neither did we.

Then Joshua crashed.  Perhaps too much sugar?  But it was bedtime anyway, so we put him to bed.


Anonymous said...

Happy 1st Birthday, Joshua! : ))

Annette B.

Amy Worrel said...

Happy birthday, Joshua! Looks like a fun day! All your pictures are really nice!

betsy said...

Cute birthday bib and shirt!

betsy said...

Cute birthday bib and shirt!