Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday: funny Isaac sayings, Joshua in costume

Ben:  ... and I was talking to Ben about the problem at work...
Isaac bursts out laughing.
Ben: what's so funny?
Isaac: you were talking to yourself???
Ben and I are talking about random things in the car.
Isaac: we should paint our house
Amanda: oh really.
Isaac: yeah, we should paint it black.
Ben: the inside or the outside?
Isaac: the inside.  I don't like white.
Ben: but if we did that we wouldn't be able to see we'll.
Isaac: we could just put more lights in.  We should paint it black.
Ben: but we wouldn't be able to see well!
Isaac: but I have special eyes.
Ben: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Isaac: a big dog.
Isaac, to himself in bed: The Bible verse says you can have a treat.

We went to Cheryl's house to trick-or-treat this evening.

This is when Joshua saw Grandma. :(  It was an instant run away.

Joshua slowly warmed up.

Joshua likes to pick up books and read them.

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