Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday: home alone

I'm home alone today!  Since there is no school for the kids tomorrow, I asked if they could go today instead.  I feel like I've gotten so many things checked off my list!

1. I got some fabric for the back of a quilt.  This was a super fast stop and didn't involve buying giant smarties.

2. I didn't get Joshua's wall painted, although I did try.  I can't get the paint can open. I know what the next step has to be!

3. I cleaned the kitty litter.

4. I cleaned the inside trash can.  I am pretty sure there are no more fruit flies, and it's getting cold out, so it'll be nice to have an inside trash again.

5. I paid some bills, sent some emails, did some Christmas shopping.

6. I made of movie of Joshua's first year pictures.  I made a similar one for Isaac.  I'm obviously not a professional photographer by any means, but it's still fun to see.  Joshua was much more cooperative in staying on his back for at least one picture!

7.  I relaxed.  I ate a quiet lunch and took a nap with no one around to wake me up.

8. I took pictures of a quilt. (And hope to post them soon.)

9. I rearranged Isaac's room for his new quiet time.  I think we'll have a drawer with a few activities that should only be opened during quiet time.  I also printed out some more mazes for him to do.  I also looked at the pictures of towers he made from a set of Duplos during the last rest time.  They're great.  Why am I making the towers for instructions when he makes such cool ones?

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