Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday: sore, clean, but put together

I went to the gym yesterday for the first time in about a week and a half.  I am super sore today.  It's pretty crazy actually...I didn't think I had worked that hard.

We've been hiring one of Ben's cousins to come over for about two hours once a week to help around the house.  It's been rather nice.  Today she dusted, took down many of the Christmas decorations, filled all the water bottles, and then played with the kids so that I could do some of those things that are hard to do with kids around.

Tonight we started putting together Joshua's play thing.  The boys enjoyed taking the pieces out of the box.

Joshua also really, really wanted to use a screwdriver.

Oh, and look at this other picture I found.  I took some selfies last night because I really liked how my hair looked.  It was post shower and just kind of happened.  I don't know how to make it do that on purpose.


betsy said...

Cute! Maybe add some gel when wet? :)

betsy said...

Cute! Maybe add some gel when wet? :)